Blum Telegram Mining review: Legit or Scam? please read before you signup


All About Blum Mining

The name blum otherwise known as Blumcrypto is a crypto mining application built on telegram. Since telegram appears to be an easier home for most crypto projects from what we’ve seen in recent times due to the high rates of rising crypto exchange using telegram as their referral project source, they decided to join the trend to also build its token pending launch.

Interestingly, what users are farming or mining on telegram appear not to be the main token of the platform but points that can be useful when the Blum crypto trading app gets launched fully both on mobile and as a telegram mini app. 

The question remains.
what are blum points?
the points are what users currently on the mini app can earn at the moment and according to expectation are going to be the real stuff inside the Blum ecosystem. if launched sucessfully,

That is an if.
For now my honest review is, becareful and watch out for signs.
who knows maybe after the lunch the points earned can be used to buy great stuffs.

untill then, i can only say.
tread carefully.

this is my humble review on Blum telegram mining.

thanks for visiting the site.
more blog reviews incoming soon

Check out more reviews from my blog on money earning platforms


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